1. Maxwell Hill
Maxwell Hill or also known as Bukit Larut is 1036m high above the sea. This hill is a popular spot amongst hiking enthusiasts and those looking to have a unique gateway. Behind the fame of Maxwell Hill is its bloody reputation that has tainted Maxwell Hill as a haunted hill. The road on Maxwell Hill was built by blood, sweat and lives of prisoners that were forced into labour during Second World War. If you stay just for one night in the cabins on Maxwell Hill you will experience thuds on the doors, footsteps and an eerie presence. Sometimes you will feel that someone invisible has touched or whispered to you.
It located in Perak, near a town called Taiping, roughly between Ipoh and Penang. On the North-South Highway, take the exit to Taiping. After the toll, follow the signs leading to Taiping. From here, head towards the lake gardens, where there are signs that will show to Maxwell Hill.

2. Kellie’s Castle
Located in Batu Gajah, Perak, Kellie’s Castle was built as a symbol of love from William Kellie Smith to his wife. The building was never completed though as many of the workers died due to an outbreak of the Spanish Flu. Today, some visitors claim to have seen apparitions of the Smith family who never got to move into the house, and the site still fascinates ghost hunters and paranormal investigators from around the world.

3. Tambun Inn
Tambun Inn is located near a Chinese cemetery in Ipoh, Perak. It is the most troublesome hotel to stay if you wish to rest. Many people claimed that they have heard strange sounds such as footsteps, the sound of feet scraping floorboards. The most terrifying sound would be the sound of people screaming or shouting. There are even reports of guests going to sleep in their own room and waking up in a completely different room with no idea of how they got there. This place is so haunted that a motorcyclist claimed that when he was passing by the hotel, he felt his bike getting heavier, as if something had climbed on the back.
