Every month with so little salary. Wanted to get extra income but don’t know where to get it. Don’t like to put so much effort into making money. If you are one of them, then you are on the right platform now!
Now we are having a good campaign for those who wanna earn more money but with less effort. An attractive bonus is waiting for you!
So what is it? How can I get it? How much can I get?
Our company is having a campaign called “A Rich Referrer”. Basically, you just need to refer our programme - Professional Diploma in Management to those who are interested. For every successfully sign-in, you can get RM250! This is a very high bonus because you don’t need to do anything, you just need to refer our programme to those who are interested and ask them to contact us, and we will settle the rest. Once he/she successfully sign-in, we will pay you RM250!
How can you get this?
We welcome all Malaysian to join us! No matter if you are a housewife, student, employee, employer or even jobless. You just need to register yourself through this link https://forms.gle/Zk6jbgmS67kZU8Zs9 and we will contact you!

One person RM250, Two person RM500, Three person RM750, Four person RM1000...
If you have any inquiry, please do not hesitate to call/WhatsApp us at 018-9517833.